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Lowongan IT Programmer Juli 2009 "Teluu"

8:39 PM Posted by admin

Teluu, an award winning organization that develops pjsip Open Source VoIP SDK is urgently looking for :


We're looking for very good potential programmers, with qualification :
  • Able to work independently
  • Have strong motivation and ability to write clean code
  • Preferably the candidates should have some background in systems programming (like sockets, threads, and writing portable apps).
  • Good written/email communication skills in English is an essential requirement.

We welcome both new/soon-to-be graduates and experienced programmers. No age limits, gender, or other restrictions.

We have a strong software engineering background, so we have a mature but lightweight software process in place. You will be expected to use tools such as Subversion, Track for issue tracking and wiki, and various IDEs on different platforms.

We are also strong on Smartphone support, such as Windows Mobile and Symbian, with iPhone and Android in the pipeline. You will get the chance to work on these and more.

Don't miss this unique chance to show off your brilliance. Only by working in and with the Open Source community you can share your work and ideas to the world!

There will be a presentation and initial interview session. If you are interested to join our company, please register yourself to:


Gd. Engineering Center Lt. Dasar
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia
Telp: 021-78849080

Or online to Website CDC FTUI :

Visit our website at :

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