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Lowongan di Sistem Informasi UI (Juli 2009)

10:44 PM Posted by admin

Kantor Pengembangan dan Pelayanan Sistem Informasi Universitas Indonesia memiliki lowongan (Vacancy) sebagai berikut:

Vacant Position: Programmer PHP, MySQL

  • Pendidikan D3 atau S1 ilmu komputer/elektro/matematika, atau yang berhubungan.
  • Mempunyai Kemampuan Komunikasi yang baik.
  • Dapat Bekerja Cepat, Akurat, dan Responsif.
  • Menguasai bahasa pemrograman web : HTML, PHP, CSS
  • Menguasai database : MySQL, PosgreSQL
  • Familiar dengan Linux dan setting web server
  • Menguasai Aplikasi Web Design/Editor: Dreamweaver dll.
  • Menguasai Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Menguasai TCP/IP, design grafis web (additional)

Lamaran harap dikirimkan sebelum tanggal 26 juli 2009


Ibu Hermiana (

Kantor Pengembangan dan Pelayanan Sistem Informasi
Universitas Indoneisa

Gedung PAU Rektorat Lantai 7 Kampus UI Depok 16424

Sumber : Website Universitas Indonesia
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Lowongan Kerja : BII Finance Center (2009)

10:12 PM Posted by admin

Kami perusahaan pembiayaan kendaraan bermotor roda empat yang sedang berkembang pesat dan memiliki cabang di kota besar di seluruh Indonesia, membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk mengisi posisi:

Proffesional Development Program (PDP)

Persyaratan :
  • Pria, maksimal usia 26 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal S1 berbagai jurusan dengan IPK minimal 3.00 dari perguruan tinggi lokal ataupun luar negeri
  • Freshgraduate atau mempunyai pengalaman kerja maksimal 1 tahun di bidang marketing
  • Bersedia menjalani proses rekrutmen di tempat yang ditunjuk perusahaan dan juga bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas setelah masa pendidikan
  • Berkepribadian baik, mempunyai motivasi berprestasi yang tinggi, mampu berkomunikasi dan membina hubungan baik, mempunyai kemampuan analisa yang baik
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
  • Lulus proses seleksi
  • Paket remunerasi yang menarik akan diberikan kepada yang memenuhi syarat

Internal Control Unit (ICU)
Persyaratan :
  • Pria, minimal usia 25 tahun
  • Pendidikan S1 dari jurusan Akuntansi dengan IPK 2.75
  • Mempunyai pengalaman minimal 1 tahun sebagai Auditor
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh kantor cabang

Staf Administrasi (SA)

Persyaratan :
  • Pria atau Wanita, maksimal usia 22 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 dari berbagai jurusan dengan IPK 2.75, lebih disukai dari jurusan Accounting/Manajemen
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh kantor cabang

Credit Marketing Officer (CMO)

Persyaratan :
  • Pria, maksimal usia 28 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal D3 dari berbagai jurusan dengan IPK 2.75
  • Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja 1 tahun di bank/perusahaan pembiayaan atau dealer kendaraan roda empat
  • Berpenampilan baik, mampu membina hubungan baik dan memiliki kendaraan bermotor roda dua serta SIM C
  • Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh kantor cabang

IT Staff (IT)

Persyaratan :

  • Pria, maksimal usia 25 tahun dan pendidikan terakhir minimal D3.
  • Menguasai System Operasi Microsoft dan Linux.
  • Mengerti konsep Jaringan Komputer (LAN), Instalasi LAN dan Cabling.
  • Biasa menggunakan Open Source Software (OSS).
  • Mengerti dan mempunyai pengalaman Trouble Shooting komputer, baik hardware maupun software.
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, bertanggung jawab, mempunyai inisiatif, kreatifitas dan motivasi kerja yang tinggi.
  • Dapat bekerja sama dengan tim atau perorangan.
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris lebih disukai.

Apabila Anda memenuhi kriteria diatas, segera kirimkan lamaran lengkap anda (cantumkan no telepon, kota yang diinginkan dan pasphoto terakhir) dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan disudut kiri amplop ke:

HRD Manager PT. BII Finance Center,
Wisma KODEL Lantai 5,
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. B4 Jakarta – 12920.

Email : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . Info selengkapnya, silahkan berkunjung pada URL berikut ini : 
READ MORE - Lowongan Kerja : BII Finance Center (2009)

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BTMU - BRI Finance Jobs Vacancies July 2009

9:29 PM Posted by admin

One of the leading joint venture finance company between Japanese city Bank (Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ) and Indonesia Owned bank (BRI Bank), is seeking for qualified and core staff.

Credit Administration Staff (ADM)

Requirements :

  • Female max 28 years old
  • Diploma III from reputable Banking college, the minimum GPA : 2, 75
  • Minimum 2 years working experience as Administration Staff.
  • Range salary offer: Rp. 2.500.000 – Rp. 3.000.000,/month

Junior Lease Officer for Marketing Department Code (JLO)

Requirements :
  • Male/female max 27 years old
  • Reputable University/Academy graduate (S1 degree major in Accounting or Management, the minimum GPA : 2,90 for Accredited universities
  • Fresh graduate, but have a working experience in Banking/financial institution field
  • Able to work in a team and under-pressure
  • Range salary offer: Rp. 3.500.000,- - Rp. 4.000.000,-/month

General Qualification
  • Fluent in English, oral and written is a must
  • Having good knowledge and skill of computer literacy.

    Qualified applicant are invited to send their applicayion along with a current CV, copies ofnrelevant certificates/transcript, a recent photograph and telephone no. to:
    PT. BTMU BRI Finance,
    The Personnel Manager, Bumi Mandiri 6 th floor,
    JI. Basuki Rachmat 129-137 Surabaya,

    email address : This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . Not later than July 14, 2009. Please put position code one the top left of the envelope. For complete information please visit lunks below
  • READ MORE - BTMU - BRI Finance Jobs Vacancies July 2009

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    Download E-book

    8:59 PM Posted by admin

    Dalam halaman ini, saya memberikan konten dan produk gratis berupa ebook yang dapat anda unduh/download secara cuma-cuma. Ebooks dibawah ini merupakan suplemen bacaan bagi anda yang membutuhkannya, mungkin dapat berupa tips-tips dunia kerja, wawancara kerja, soal-soal dan jawaban pada seleksi CPNS dan materi lainnya.

    Silahkan anda download ebook gratis dan pergunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya.

    E-Book (Bahasa Indonesia)

    • Panduan Toefl - Sebuah E-Book yang berisi panduan praktis Toefl. E-Book ini sebelumnya di unduh melalui portal milisbeasiswa[dot]com. Silahkan klik disini untuk men-downloadnya

    Materi dan Soal Ujian Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS)

    Untuk mendownload materi dan soal ujian (plus jawaban), silahkan klik pada judul materi di bawah ini. Semua file berformat .pdf dan memiliki ukuran (size) yang kecil.
    READ MORE - Download E-book

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    Career Opportunities : Combiphar (June - July 2009 )

    8:27 PM Posted by admin

    PT.Combiphar, an aggressive pharmaceutical company are seeking high caliber and result-oriented individual to fill the position as:

    Medical Representative (MR)

    • Male/Female, with maximal age 28 years old
    • Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university, graduated from science major
    • Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
    • PEDFI Certified would be an advantage
    • Excellent sales and negotiation skills
    • Excellent communication and networking skills
    • Good planning and organizational skills
    • Self-motivation, drive and initiative
    • An outgoing and confident approach
    • Having a motorcycle and its license (SIM C)

    Product Planning Manager (PPM)

    • Have a strong analytical and problem solving abilities
    • Male/Female, maximum age 35 years
    • Bachelor degree in Medicine/Pharmacy/Marketing Min 1 year of working experience in product or sales management in pharmaceutical company or FMCG company
    • Good communication, presentation & negotiation skill, mature with good interpersonal skill at all levels, excellent analytical skill & creative problem solving
    • Good knowledge of HAKI & patent for pharmaceutical company
    • Fluent in English, computer literate, possess A driving license

    Assistant Account Manager (AAM)
    • Degree with major in Accounting from reputable university
    • Mature, dynamic person with maximum age 35 years old
    • Advance in accounting, tax and auditing
    • Experience in manufacture industry are preferred
    • Familiar with SAP R3 or above are preferred
    • Minimum 5 years experience in related area and 1 year in supervisory level.
    • Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

    Internal Auditor (IA)


    * Provide confidential administrative/technical assistance with overall effectiveness operations
    * Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university
    * Maximum age 30 years old
    * Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
    * Having good knowledge in pharmaceutical industry and its distribution process
    * Computer literate and having a good report skill
    * Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

    Finance Officer (FO)
    • Degree with major in Accounting or Management from reputable university
    • Young & dynamic person with maximum age 30 years old
    • Familiar with payment process, cash management, budgeting, etc.
    • Advance in accounting principle
    • Minimum 3 years experience in related area
    • Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team
    • Computer Literate

    Junior Product Manager (JPM)

    • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor’s Degree in Pharmacy/Apothecary Program
    • At least 2 years of working experience in as Product Manager is required
    • Able to manage new product Development and product launching
    • Good command of spoken and written English
    • Have a good negotiation, interpersonal, presentation, marketing and communication skill
    • Have a strong analytical and problem solving abilities

    Those who meet above requirements, don’t hesitate to forward your CV and put your job code with current photograph, before 8 July 2009 to:
    Graha Atrium Building 15th Floor,
    Jl.Senen Raya 135 Jakarta Pusat
    or email to:
    This e-mail address is being protected from spambots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . Should you need further information please visit the following link :
    READ MORE - Career Opportunities : Combiphar (June - July 2009 )

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    Walk In Interview : Bank Danamon Indonesia (Wilayah Jateng & DIY) - Juli 2009

    12:11 AM Posted by admin

    PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk. melalui segmen Danamon Simpan Pinjam telah berkomitmen untuk memajukan perekonomian mikro dan kecil di Indonesia. Bagi anda yang memiliki kepedulian yang sama terhadap kemajuan perekonomian mikro dan kecil Indonesia, kami mengajak anda untuk mengembangkan karir bersama salah satu tim perbankan terbaik di Indonesia sebagai :


    Kriteria kandidat :
    • Pendidikan minimal DIII
    • Usia maksimal 32 tahun
    • Memiliki kendaraan bermotor roda dua dan SIM C
    • Menyukai tantangan
    • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (min. MS Word & Excel)

    Paket kompensasi dan benefits yang akan anda dapatkan :
    • Mendapatkan gaji tetap
    • Insentif yang menarik
    • Berkesempatan menjadi karyawan tetap
    • Asuransi kesehatan
    • Jenjang karier yang jelas
    • Training & coaching yang berkesinambungan
    • Suasana kerja yang dinamis dan penuh tantangan

    Penempatan kerja :
    Wilayah Jawa Tengah & DIY

    Bawa langsung surat lamaran/CV disertai dengan daftar riwayat hidup, surat referensi, copy transkrip, ijazah terakhir, serta dua lembar pas foto terbaru ukuran 3X4 di masing-masing area berikut ini :

    Hari :
    Rabu, 01 Juli 2009, Jam 07.30 WIB
    Tempat :
    Gedung Wanita Ngasirah
    Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 291, Kudus

    Hari :
    Jumat, 03 Juli 2009, Jam 07.30 WIB
    Tempat :
    Wisma Sejahtera
    Jl. Menowosari 23A, Magelang

    Hari :
    Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009, Jam 07.30 WIB
    Tempat :
    Universitas ATMAJAYA
    Ruang Audio Visual
    Gedung Santo Thomas Aquinas
    Jl. Babarsari NO. 44, Yogyakarta 55281

    Hari :
    Minggu, 05 Juli 2009, Jam 07.30 WIB
    Tempat :
    PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
    Kanwil 7 Semarang Pemuda
    Jl. Pemuda No. 175 - Lt. 11, Semarang

    Diluar Jadwal, kirim lamaran ke :
    PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.
    Kanwil 7 Semarang Pemuda
    Jl. Pemuda No. 175 - Lt. 11, Semarang

    PS :

    Sumber : Suara Merdeka Cetak, Juni 27, 2009

    READ MORE - Walk In Interview : Bank Danamon Indonesia (Wilayah Jateng & DIY) - Juli 2009

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    Job Vacancies : Yamaha Motor (June - July 2009)

    11:59 PM Posted by admin

    With an aim to bring up Indonesian engineers who plays an active role to Yamaha Motor Group Companies in Indonesia, the company develop the career of Indonesian engineers in japan through training and offering occasions for practical and professional experiences. PT.Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg., one of the biggest Automotive Company, located in Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta is seeking highly motivated, dynamic, and qualified person to fill the following post:

    Mechanical Design (MD)
    • Body design for Motorcycles
    • Testing development
    • Analysis

    Production Engineering (PE)

    • Aseembling
    • Casting
    • Forging
    • Processing

    Quality Engineering (QE)

    • Quality Assurance
    • Quality Control

    Production Control (PC)
    • Production Control
    • Industrial Engineering

    • Min. Bachelor Degree (S1), Graduate from Reputable University with major Mechanical engineering, Aeronautics & astronautics engineering, Materials engineering (Metalurgi & Material), Industrial engineering
    • Equivalent to the level three (3), through the basic Japaneese training for three (3) month in Indonesia prior to going Japan, the experience for the training is born (Note : Graduate from similar faculty/college to the above listed ones and also from graduate school are also accepted)
    • Active, Performs a purpose with faith and Tolerant to other culture.
    • Computer skill, drawing skill
    • Max Age 24 (1985)

    Conditions for Employment
    • Training of Japanesse language (3 months) : in Jakarta or Bandung
    • Basic & professional training (3 months) : in Iwata, Japan
    • Trial period for assignment (6 months) : in Iwata, Hamamatsu, Japan
    • Regular assignment (2.5 years) : In Iwata Hamamatsu, Japan

    If you are interested in challenges apply to:
    CDC FTUI, Gd. Engineering Center
    Lt. Dasar Fakultas Teknik UI Depok,
    Telp: 021-78849080.
    Before 17th July 2009.

    Only short listed applicants will be notified. For those eligible candidates the test will be held in UI Depok. Should you need complete information please visit the following links
    READ MORE - Job Vacancies : Yamaha Motor (June - July 2009)

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    Career Opportunities : Rabobank 2009

    11:51 PM Posted by admin

    Rabobank Indonesia is a part of the Rabobank Group, a full-range financial services provider founded on co-operative principles. Headquartered in Utrecht, The Netherlands, the Group employs more than 60.000 staffs in 43 countries, servicing the needs of more than nine million clients worldwide. Food & Agribusiness is the international prime focus of the Rabobank Group. Our solidity and stability is evidenced by being ranked 4th in the World's Safest Bank 2008 list by Global Finance Magazine

    Security Risk Management Officer (SRM)

    Support Head of Security Risk Management in day to day operations, and play an active role to safeguards the bank’s valuable asset.

    • Provide the System Risk Assessment and Re-Certification regularly for the applications which has running in the bank
    • Provide the security monitoring activities for the applications which has running in the bank
    • Support the day to day operations especially the administrative control: developing, publishing, and implementing of policies, standards, procedures, guidelines and information risk management report
    • Provide the Security Awareness training
    • Play an active role in security domain

    • S1 degree in IT and have at least 2 year work experience in Banking
    • Know the security of O/S, Software, Encryption, Access Control and Physical Security.
    • Know and Understand the Security Definitions (vulnerability, threat, risk, exposure).
    • Have IT Programming knowledge in Visual Basic and Unix (familiar with Unix environment and commands).
    • Have knowledge to build the documents of Policy, Guidance and Standard
    • Good in English (written and/or spoken)

    Product Manager Funding (PF)

    Develop Funding products for consumer and SME clients and manage the product folio


    • Develop new funding products for consumer and SME and manage the existing products
    • Manage and improve profitability of the existing portfolio, including implementation products changes and elimination, pricing & conditions.
    • Increase retention of existing customers and funds.
    • Together with marketing, develop & implement initiative to increase sales.
    • Participate in projects from other areas in the bank that affect savings products within the bank
    • Responsible for presentation materials for new products or clients.

    • Minimum Degree holder with over 3 years of relevant experience in banking industry
    • Knowledge and experience in retail financial services/consumer banking, preferably in a similar role (funding products, product management, marketing),
    • Strong marketing, interpersonal, communication, planning and project management skills.
    • Analytical, possess strong judgment in data analysis, including the ability to make sound business judgment and is results-oriented.
    • Good in English (written and/or spoken)

    Please send your complete resume to :, you need JavaScript enabled to view it . Please put the position code in your email subject. Should you need further information please visit the following link :
    READ MORE - Career Opportunities : Rabobank 2009

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    Career Opportunities : Global TV (2009 )

    12:01 AM Posted by admin

    Global TV is a private tv station in Indonesia owned by Media Nusantara Citra. At this time Global TV broadcast can be accessed by about 110 million viewers in 142 cities every day. To support our operation, we are looking for qualified individuals to join our team as:

    IT Oracle Functional
    • Female, max 24 years old
    • Fresh Graduate from S1 accounting or computerized accounting with GPA min 3.00
    • Experience 1 Year as accounting staff preferable
    • Quick adapted, self starter, dynamic & pay attention to details
    • Able to work as a team

    Account Executive
    • Male/female (age max.27 years old)
    • Min. S1 graduate (fresh graduate welcome), having experience in the same field is an advantage
    • Good interpersonal communication
    • Good appearence
    • Good command in English, both in oral and written
    • Pleasant personality
    Online Form, and more recent informations :
    READ MORE - Career Opportunities : Global TV (2009 )

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    Lowongan Kerja : KOMPAS GRAMEDIA - PT. Indopersda Primamedia (Juni 2009)

    11:53 PM Posted by admin

    Kelompok koran daerah - KOMPAS GRAMEDIA, yang berkembang pesat memberikan kesempatan terbuka bagi anda yang mencari peluang dalam berkarir untuk bergabung sebagai :

    • S1 semua jurusan
    • Pengalaman sebagai Manager Pemasaran min. 2 tahun

    2. MANAGER KEUANGAN, kode (K-MK)
    • S1 Akuntansi
    • Pengalaman sebagai Manager Keuangan min 2 tahun

    3. MANAGER HRD & GA, kode (K-HRD&GA)
    • S1 semua jurusan
    • Pengalaman sebagai Manager HRD & umum min 2 tahun

    4. MANAGER PROMOSI, kode (K-M PRO)
    • S1 semua jurusan
    • Pengalaman min. 2 tahun sebagai Supervisor Promo

    5. REDAKTUR, kode (K-RED)
    • S1 semua jurusan
    • Pengalaman sebagai Redaktur min. 2 tahun, atau sebagai wartawan minmal 5 tahun.

    6. STAF UMUM, kode (K-UM)
    • Pria usia maks. 27 tahun
    • S1, semua jurusan
    • Berpengalaman min. 1 tahun
    • Memiliki Sim A atau C

    7. WEB DEVELOPER, kode (K-IT)
    • Pria usia maks. 27 tahun
    • S1 jurusan Teknik/Manajemen Informatika
    • Menguasai aplikasi web program, instalasi server, LAN, PHP, MYSQL/SQL
    • Lokasi kerja : Jakarta

    • Pria usia maks. 25 tahun
    • SMU-S1 semua jurusan, menguasai Page Maker, Photoshop, Corel Draw & Freehand
    • Melampirkan contoh karya (dalam format print out)

    Persyaratan Umum :
    Untuk posisi Managerial dan Redaktur, usia maks. 32 tahun, bersedia tempatkan di seluruh Indonesia

    Kirim lamaran lengkap, CV, Pas Foto 2 lembar ukuran 4x6, fotokopi KTP ke :
    Jl. Palmerah Selatan No. 3 Jakarta Pusat 10270
    atau via email ke :

    Cantumkan kode posisi di sudut kiri atas amplop. Lamaran dikirim paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini dimuat (sejak 20 Juni 2009)
    Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses.

    READ MORE - Lowongan Kerja : KOMPAS GRAMEDIA - PT. Indopersda Primamedia (Juni 2009)

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    Job Opportunity : KNCV Indonesia - Required Technical Officers At KNCV/Tuberculosis Foundation (June 2009)

    11:43 PM Posted by admin

    In the past 25 years, KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, a Dutch NGO, has become one of the leading International Technical Agencies, that pioneered the DOTS Tuberculosis (TB) control method and thus contributed significantly to the success of global TB control. In Indonesia, KNCV has been working closely with The Ministry of Health since 1992. As part of our TBCAP programme, we are currently looking for bright, high achiever individuals, capable of providing excellent performance with self-integrity and good teamwork to fulfill the position of :


    • Papua (Based in Timika, Wamena)
    • Papua Barat (Based in Sorong, Fakfak)
    Based in : Jakarta, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Sumatera Utara, NAD

    Standart Recruitment :
    • Medical Officer
    • A degree in public health, epidemiology or comparable qualification
    • Preferred experience with government or NGOs
    • Non - civil servant
    • Experience in TB control/program for at least 3 years
    • Excellent communication skills and fluent in English
    • Age > 30 years
    • Willing to travel

    The positions are one year renewable contract positions. Candidates already in the required location will get preference.

    Please respond to the position and location you wish to apply for, and send the application letter an CV to :

    KNCV Representative Office
    Email :
    or PO BOX 4665 Jakarta 10046

    Application deadline : June 30, 2009

    Source : Kompas

    More recent informations :
    READ MORE - Job Opportunity : KNCV Indonesia - Required Technical Officers At KNCV/Tuberculosis Foundation (June 2009)

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    Lowongan Pramugari : Lion Air (Juni 2009)

    11:40 PM Posted by admin

    Perusahaan penerbangan swasta nasional mengajak putri-putri Indonesia untuk bergabung menjadi duta dirgantara.

    Persyaratan :
    • Penampilan menarik, energik dan ramah
    • Usia 18 s/d 23 tahun, belum menikah
    • Pendidikan min. SMU, tinggi badan min. 160 cm dengan berat badan ideal
    • Bisa berbahasa Inggris (Aktif & Pasif)
    • Sehat jasmani & rohani, serta tidak berkacamata (disertai surat keterangan dokter)
    • Melampirkan surat persetujuan orang tua (bermaterai)
    • Curiculum Vitae, foto copy ijazah, foto terbaru ukuran postcard close up dan seluruh badan

    Kirim lamaran lengkap yang ditujukan kepada :
    (Bandara Adi Sucipto), Telp. 0274-7872929, 7831919
    Lamaran diterima sebelum 4 Juli 2009

    Sumber : KOMPAS, 20 Juni 2009
    READ MORE - Lowongan Pramugari : Lion Air (Juni 2009)

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    Jobs Vacancy : Sekolah Pilar Indonesia - Seeking Teachers (June 2009)

    8:25 PM Posted by admin

    We are a national-plus school and International Baccalaureate candidate school which implements International and National Curricula are searching for a highly motivated, creative, high integrity, teamwork-oriented and dynamic individual for the following position :

    • Early Chilhood Teachers (ECT)
    • Primary Teachers (PT)
    • Secondary Teachers (ST)
    • Psychologist (PSI)
    • English Teacher (ET)
    • Music Teacher (MT)
    • I.T. Teacher (CT)
    • Physical Education Teacher (PE)

    General Requirement :
    • Candidate must possess a Bachelor's Degree; Master Degree Psychology for 4.
    • Good communication in English

    Please send your CV to :
    Jl. Dewa No. 9 Ciangsana
    Kawasan Cibubur - Kabupaten Bogor 16968
    Email :
    READ MORE - Jobs Vacancy : Sekolah Pilar Indonesia - Seeking Teachers (June 2009)

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    Career Opportunities : PT AKR Corporindo tbk. (June 2009)

    9:59 PM Posted by admin

    PT AKR Corporindo Tbk. is Indonesia's leading distributor of energy to industrial customers, a well known name in trading and distribution of basic chemicals, building on the extensive logistics network covering major ports in Indonesia. AKR is one of the largest producers in the World os Sorbitol & starch sweeteners. In recent years, AKR has expanded its operation in Indonesia and China, and set to realize sustained growth. We are seeking highly qualified, self motivated and permormance oriented candidates to join our team :

    • BRANCH MANAGER (Pontianak, Makassar, Banjarmasin)
    • HEAD OF F & A (Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Stagen, Medan, Lampung, Makassar)
    • ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR (Jakarta, Surabaya, SemaranG, Medan, Pontianak)
    • TRANSPORT SUPERVISOR (Semarang, Surabaya)
    • HEAD OF TANK TERMINAL (Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, Bali, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Lampung)
    • SALES (Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Pontianak, Stagen, Makassar, Palembang)
    • OPERATOR CRANE/HMC (Surabaya)

    Come from reputable university, with minimum GPA of 2.75 (MUST)
    All positions are stationed in Jakarta except specified in the position.

    If you have the attributes to meet the above challenging opportunities, please forward your application with complete Curriculum Vitae and most recent photograph*
    PS: * (in MS word file) to :

    People Development
    Email :
    Website :

    Source : KOMPAS (June 13, 2009)

    More related informations :

    READ MORE - Career Opportunities : PT AKR Corporindo tbk. (June 2009)

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    LOWONGAN KERJA : PT Antam tbk. (Juni 2009)

    9:39 PM Posted by admin

    PT Antam Tbk., perusahaan pertambangan milik negara serta tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dan Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) dengan komoditas utama nikel, emas, perak dan bauksit memberikan kesempatan kepada anda yang memiliki kualifikasi, dedikasi, motivasi dan integritas tinggi untuk bergabung dengan posisi sebagai berikut :

    A. STAF Berpengalaman di Bidang :
    • Teknik Geologi

    B. Lulusan S1 Bidang :
    • Teknik Metalurgi
    • Teknik Geologi
    • Teknik Pertambangan
    • Teknik Geologi/Teknik Pertambangan (Geoteknik)
    • Teknik Tambang Eksplorasi
    • Teknik Geofisika
    • Perbankan/Manajemen Keuangan/Akuntansi
    • Hukum
    • Teknik Elektro (arus kuat)
    • Komunikasi/Pengembangan Kemasyarakatan.
    • Teknik Mesin
    • Teknik Kimia
    • Teknik Lingkungan
    • Psikologi

    C. Lulusan Diploma
    • Teknik Elektro (arus lemah)
    • Teknik Geodesi
    • Akuntansi
    • Perpajakan

    D. Lulusan SMK/STM
    • Tambang
    • Teknik Mesin
    • Teknik Listrik

    Informasi lebih lengkap, silahkan anda mengakses situs halaman web :

    Kirim aplikasi surat lamaran lengkap anda dengan menggunakan rekrutmen on-line mulai 13 Juni 2009 s/d 25 Juni 2009

    Source : KOMPAS (June 13, 2009)

    READ MORE - LOWONGAN KERJA : PT Antam tbk. (Juni 2009)

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    Career Opportunities : PT PRUDENTIAL Life Assurance (June 2009)

    9:17 PM Posted by admin

    As one of the biggest insurance companies and Unit-Linked market leader in Indonesia, PT PRUDENTIAL Life Assurance proudly welcomes you to join us, as :


    Reason why you should apply
    • Get INSIGHTFUL TRAININGS for your personal development

    Qualifications :
    • Min. D3 with GPA 2.5
    • Well groomed and outgoing personality
    • Language proficiency preffered : ENGLISH, MANDARIn & HOKKIEN
    • Willing to work full time & to be deployed in Bank Partner Branches

    Available positions in :
    Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Denpasar, Medan, Batam, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Pontianak, Banjarmasin & Makassar and other locations as needed.

    Send your complete resume within 1 week after this advertisement to :

    PT Prudential Life Assurance
    Prudential Tower, 6th Floor, Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 79
    Jakarta 12910

    or email to :

    P.S. :
    Put a code on the top left of the envelope or as the email subject : FSC
    Only short listed candidates will be notified

    Source : KOMPAS (June 13, 2009)

    Get more related information :

    READ MORE - Career Opportunities : PT PRUDENTIAL Life Assurance (June 2009)

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    Lowongan Kerja : Sekretariat CCM Indonesia, Australian Government - Juni 2009

    8:44 PM Posted by admin

    Vacancy :
    The Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria
    Secretraiat Of CCM (Country Coordinating Mechanism) Indonesia, membuka kesempatan bagi anda untuk berkarir sebagai :

    STAF UMUM (Office Assistant) Kantor CCM Secretariat

    Dibawah supervisi umum Sekretaris Eksekkutif dan Senior Administrasi Staff. Staf Umum kantor akan di supervisi oleh staf administrasi dalam melaksanakan berbagai tugas sehari-hari dalam menunjang kegiatan kantor sekretariat CCM.

    Tanggung Jawab Untuk :
    • Membantu staf Administration Assistant dan Officer (Admin, Keuangan dan Program) dalam tugas kantor sekretariat sehari-hari.
    • Mengirim dan Arsipkan surat dan dokumen yang masuk/keluar.
    • Mengirim undangan rapat dengan fax, pos atau dibawa langsung.
    • Mempersiapkan dokumen rapat, copy dan sebagainya bersama Asisten Administrasi.
    • Mempersiapkan ruangan rapat dan perlengkapannya.
    • Kerja sama dengan staf sekretariat lainnya (Asisten Administrasi, Staf Senior Administrasi, Staf Keuangan, Staf Program dan Asisten TWG).

    • Minimal tamat SMA atau yang sederajat.
    • Pengalaman kerja paling sedikit 1 tahun.
    • Berbahasa Indonesia dan percakapan Bahasa Inggris dasar.
    • Keterampilan berkomunikasi.
    • Memiliki integritas yang tinggi, bertanggung jawab dan dapat bekerja dalam tim.
    • Kepribadian yang baik dan sopan.
    • Pengetahuan dasar komputer merupakan nilai tambah.
    • Pria umur 22 - 28 tahun, yang memiliki motor pribadi.

    Lamaran + CV dikirim ke email dengan alamat : atau

    Paling lambat, Senin tanggal 22 Juni 2009

    Source : KOMPAS (June 13, 2009)
    READ MORE - Lowongan Kerja : Sekretariat CCM Indonesia, Australian Government - Juni 2009

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    Jobs Vacancy : Johnson & Johnson (June 2009)

    8:34 PM Posted by admin

    Johnson & Johnson is the world's largest, most diversified healthcare company, operating in 57 countries with worldwide sales of US$ 65 billion. Most of our brands are world leaders. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, a division of Johnson & Johnson, is a leading provider of high-value diagnostic products and services for the global healthcare community. For more than half a century, the company has been committed to providing accurate, timely and cost-effective solutions for screening, diagnosing, monitoring and comfirming diseases.

    An excellent opportunity now exists for a high potential, career minded professional to join our team in INDONESIA as :

    Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics Division

    The successful candidate will be responsible for all aspects of business in Indonesia for Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics covering sales, marketing, compliance, regulatory affairs and customer support. He/she will create and execute the business plan, develop and drive strategies for long term business growth.

    • Must have 5 years experience in a managerial position in medical device or pharmaceutical company with strong business ethics and excellent people management skills.
    • Experience in capital equipment will be an added value.
    • Must have minimum a Bachelor Degree in Science. MBA and/or Medical Professional qualifications will be a significant advantage.

    Compensation & Benefits :
    The successful candidate is entitled to receive a very competitive compensation package, attractive year end permormance bonus, car facility and intensive orientation and training program domestic and overseas. If you have all the above qualifications and requirements, and are keen to expand your career in a challenging organization which offers you a lot of opportunities for advancement, please submit your application letter with a brief resume, copies of educational achievements, one recent photograph, within 2 weeks to :

    PT. Johnson & Johnson Indonesia, Medical Division
    Wisma Mampang, 4th Floor,
    Jl. Mampang Prapatan Raya No. 1, Jakarta 12790

    or, Email your resume to :
    (Only shortlistd candidates will be notified)

    Source : KOMPAS (June 13, 2009)

    More related information :
    READ MORE - Jobs Vacancy : Johnson & Johnson (June 2009)

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    Lowongan Telkomsel Juni 2009

    8:23 PM Posted by admin

    PT. Telkomsel membuka kesempatan kepada mahasiswa/mahasiswi/fresh graduate yang tergabung dalam Telkomsel Mobile Campus untuk menjadi Telkomsel Personal Representative (TPR) dan Telemarketing dengan persyaratan sbb :

    Telkomsel Personal Representatif (TPR)

    • Pria/Wanita berpenampilan menarik
    • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan bak
    • Lulusan D3, S1 (diperbolehkan untuk yang masih dalam proses skripsi/bebas teori)
    • Bersedia bekerja full time/shift
    • Mampu mengoperasikan computer


    • Pria/Wanita berpenampilan menarik
    • Mampu berkomunikasi dengan bak
    • Lulusan D3, S1 (diperbolehkan untuk yang masih dalam proses skripsi/bebas teori)
    • Bersedia bekerja full time/shift
    • Mampu mengoperasikan computer

    Kirim lamaran bersama cv, foto copy ijazah terakhir/surat keterangan bebas dan transkrip nilai beserta pas foto terbaru (3×4 = 2 lembar) ke:
    PT. Telkomsel,
    Direct Sales Department Metro Surabaya, Plaza BRI Lt. 16,

    Jln. Basuki Rahmad 122 Surabaya.

    Lamaran diterima selambat-lambatnya sebelum tanggal 15 Juni 2009.

    Untuk keterangan lengkap silahkan kunjungi website kami di
    READ MORE - Lowongan Telkomsel Juni 2009

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    Career Opportunities : QAPCO

    9:58 PM Posted by admin

    QAPCO was established in 1974 as a joint multinational venture to utilise the associated and non-associated Ethane gas from petroleum production in line with the industrialization plan of the State Qatar. it is one of the Companies located in the Mesaieed Industrial City (MIC), producing fertilizers, steel, refined petroleum products and natural gas liquids. QAPCO plant is situated on the seacoast with jetty facilities and exports its entire range of products worldwide. The main products of the company are Ethylene and LDPE. Solid sulphur is generated as a by-product in the process. The required feedstock, Ethane gas, is supplied by the state-owned Qatar Petroleum (QP) for the production of Ethylene, a significant part of which is then used in the production of various grades of LDPE, marketed under the ‘LOTRENE’ brand name. We are currently seeking to recruit the following professionals:

    Process Specialist (Process Safety & Environmental)
    Directly responsible for process safety and environmental issues for all plants of the petrochemical complex in the company. Responsible for all process safety & environmental studies of the plants in the company under supervision of Head of Process. Responsible for detailed development of safety studies recommendations through modifications in the different plants. Provides process safety & environmental issues based technical support for new projects integration with the company. Responsible to carry out HAZOP studies on major & minor modifications. Responsible for updating environmental technology of the complex.

    Applicant should have B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering or equivalent, working knowledge of industry, regulatory guides and Codes, petrochemical industry safety standards and environmental regulations. And using major engineering standards, 6 years operational and technical experience in the petrochemical industry, preferably with knowledge of ethylene and polyethylene processes, very good spoken and written English and computer literate.

    Material/ Certification & Laboratory Senior Inspector
    Performing inspection and tests of the incoming materials to ensure its quality and conformity with purchase order and company s specifications. Follows up and organizes the inspection carried out by external inspection agencies for certification of lifting equipment and transportable cylinders as per the assigned procedures or international codes. Carry out Qualification of both company s and contractor s welders. Provides non-destructive testing for static equipment (team, gas and other equipment) when required.

    Applicant should carry at least certificate of completion of 12 Years education (Secondary School) followed by two years formal training in non-destructive testing and welding inspection, 6 years experience in inspection and maintenance works and to be good spoken and written English & computer literate.

    Condition Monitoring Inspector
    Inspects and tests rotating and reciprocating machines for vibration levels and its structural integrity to ensure its reliable operating condition. The equipment to be under these controls includes compressors, turbines, electric motors, air blowers and pumps.

    Applicant should carry at least certificate of completion of 12 Years education (Secondary School) followed by two years formal training in rotating machines including compressors, steam turbines, gas turbines, pumps, fans, electric motors and vibration measurement and analysis, 5 years experience in inspection or maintenance work, and must have experience in any CMMS and any computerized management system, Good spoken and written English and computer literate.

    Plant Inspector & Senior Inspector
    Inspects and tests static equipment (pressure vessels, piping B pressure safety valves), lifting equipment, and transportable cylinders or assigned equipment by his superiors. Provides non-destructive testing for static equipment (steam, gas and other equipment) and carries out welding inspection.

    Applicant should carry at least certificate of completion of 12 Year education (Secondary School) followed by two years formal training in non-destructive testing and welding inspection, 6 years experience in inspection and maintenance works, Good spoken and written English and computer literate.

    Inspection Leader
    Supervises and plans all the activities of the assigned personnel involved in the inspection of the static equipment, piping, lifting equipment and incoming materials. Develops the data and information necessary to monitor corrosion, carries out assessment and evaluates the degrees of risks to ensure fitness and mechanical integrity the plant static equipment. Coordinates with other company in support of recommendations and identifies, analyzes and resolve the related technical problems regarding the plants.

    Applicant should carry Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering or equivalent, 8 years experience in chemical, petrochemical or oil and gas plants, Good spoken and written English and computer literate.

    Engg. Services Analyst (Electrical/Mechanical)
    Carries out detailed design work including translating design briefs and/or conceptual designs into detailed engineering drawings, flow diagrams and schematics and preparing materials take-off lists and bills of quantity. Prepares specifications, data sheets and initiate procurement. Makes field visits as requested to take measurements. Work covers new additions to plant or process improvement modifications.

    Applicant should carry Bachelor of Engineering Discipline, 6 years experience in detailed engineering, project planning and coordination in design office of an engineering firm or process plant, Good spoken and written English and computer literate.

    Engg. Services Specialist (Electrical/Automation)
    Directs, supervises and coordinates detailed engineering for all modifications and capital expenditure projects under supervision of Head of Engineering. Coordinates with Section Head in preparation of annual budget. Liaises with the Engineering Consultants and Equipment manufacturers to ensure that the designs are updated with the latest developments. Provide technical advice on areas related to his discipline.

    Applicant should have B.Sc. in Engineering Discipline, 12 years experience in engineering positions and to be good spoken and written English plus computer literate.

    Reliability & Optimization Specialist (Static/ Automation)
    Develop the reliability requirements for plant asset, establish an adequate reliability program and perform appropriate analysis and tasks to ensure asset optimization in terms of operation and cost. Utilize plant/equipment failure data and carry out timely analysis in order to identify the root causes of failures which can facilitate implementation of adequate corrective and preventive actions to improve the Reliability and Availability of the plant.

    Applicant should have B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, Electrical or Control Engineering or equivalent, 8 years maintenance experience in the oil or petrochemical industry, good spoken and written English and computer literate.

    Head of Safety
    Leads the Safety & Fire Fighting Section, Supervises the activities of the personnel in the Safety and Fire Fighting Section. Supervises the provision of a safe work environment for all company s employees, properties and contractor s personnel. Supervises and controls the provision of safety and fire fighting protection services in all industrial and non-industrial areas of the Company. Ensures that effective policies, procedures and standard instructions are implemented, that all staff are provided with on-going training in safety, emergency and fire fighting procedures and that all related equipment is installed and maintained in full working condition. Provides first line judgment, interference and participate as the leader or member of an emergency situation team for any emergency response in the company or its subsidiaries. Prepares, develops and implement the OHSAS 18001 standard requirements based Safety Management System and carries out the Internal and External Safety Audits.

    Applicant should have B.Sc. in Safety & Fire Fighting Engineering or equivalent, 10 years of experience in fire, safety and environmental positions including supervisory and instructing experience, very good spoken and written English.

    Safety Leader
    Supervises the provision of a safe work environment for all Company employees, properties and contractors personnel in the Plant. Assisting in safety training programs; auditing and site inspection plan.

    Applicant should have B.Sc in Safety/Petroleum/Chemical engineering or equivalent, to be certified on National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) or equivalent, 7 years experience in safety in the petrochemical industry including at least 3 years as a Safety Forman, good spoken and written English plus computer literate.

    Safety Agent
    Carries out a variety of safety duties including the issue of work permits, ensuring that adequate safety measures are taken and safety equipment is made available for maintenance work to be carried out, testing various types of safety equipment, including all storages and loading activities.

    Applicant should have certificate of completion of Secondary (12 years) education, plus 2 years diploma/training on safety, 5 years experience in safety in the petrochemical industry, very good knowledge of English.

    Shift Firefighting Agent & Foreman
    On his assigned shift, directs all Fire Fighting, first aid and rescue activities. Attends fires and other emergencies as required. Drives, operates and maintains, on shift basis, all fire-fighting equipment such as all mobile vehicles and other fire pumps, hoses, nozzles, and fire truck, to combat fire, rescue lives and prevent loss or damage to property. Activities are shift based and cover company s plants and its belongings in case of any emergency.

    Applicant should have certificate of completion of Secondary (12 years) education, 4 years experience in fire fighting in a an oil, gas or petrochemical processing plant requiring knowledge of the plant and processes, possession of a heavy duty driving license, good knowledge of English, must be physically fit and able to withstand heights and confined spaces, to be certified from a recognized international Fire Fighting School and certified on National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH).

    Head of Terminal 18
    Plans all activities related to loading/unloading operations documentation. Coordinates loading/unloading activities in accordance with the requirements of shipping programs from the company and its subsidiaries. Liaises for this purpose between the company Logistics & its subsidiaries Logistics organization. Ensures all loading/unloading activities are carried out efficiently and safely in accordance with company s quality standards and procedures. Monitors technical development/improvement in this assigned area. Monitors & ensures that all expenses for at Berth-19 are within the assigned budget. Initiate modifications for up-gradation of betterment of operations. Responsible for the reliability of all the available equipment at the Terminal 19. Coordinates all Safety related activities for the department.

    Applicant should have B.Sc. in Chemical or Mechanical Engineering or Marine Institute with at least 8 years of experience in marine terminal, jetty operations, loading/unloading chemicals & liquid gases and familiarization with import & export documentations and procedures. He also should be good spoken and written English and to be experienced in Computer Operation.

    Container Yard Leader
    Supervises all activities related to receiving full containers from both sides LDPE and LLDPE plants and to be sure that all activities are follows according to yard management system program.

    Follow up the availability of empty containers received by sea and by road to cover the requirements of the company and its subsidiaries.

    Supervise loading and unloading operations of the containers including direct commendations with vessel crow and arrange planning for loading and unloading with the crow.

    Follow up preventive maintenance, greasing and certification process of loading equipment of Shore Cranes, straddle carriers and reach stacker, modify and update work procedures, and plan to facilitate the flow of the work and any necessary liaison with Marketing on shipping and forwarding matters. Train his staff in coordination with Training and Development section.

    Applicant should have at least certificate of completion of Secondary (12 years) education followed by 2 years full time studies leading to a diploma in a technical discipline, 6 years materials handling and shipping experience including supervisory experience, basic electrical and mechanical Knowledge related to Cranes, ability to learn and good organized for the work (warehouse and Jetty), good spoken and written English plus computer literate, should have also experience to handle the problem and propose solutions, safety consciousness, good computer, wireless communication program information and report writing skills.

    Technicians - Mechanical Electrical & Automation (Analyzers)
    Mechanical: Carries out the skilled overhauls, maintenance and repair of various types of equipment and machinery. Includes regular monitoring and rectification of defective equipment on site or inside the workshop and testing of new machinery according to supervisor instruction. Optimizes the utilization of maintenance resources.

    Electrical / Automation: Carries out complex maintenance for variety of etectrical/automation systems, equipment and plant networks in accordance with established schedule. Performs minor electrical/automation modifications to the plant as per the drawings given to him to enhance the efficiency of equipment / plant. Isolates and consolidates the electrical/automation equipment as per requirements of production. Trouble shoots all types of electrical/automation breakdowns as required.

    Analyzer: Analyzers should have the skills of ON-LINE PGC (Process Gas Chromatograph) components and fundamentals. The principle of different gas streams. The principle of measuring different components in the same stream.

    Applicant should have certificate of completion of Secondary (12 years) education, followed by 2 years formal training in (mechanical), (electrical), (instrumentation or auto control) maintenance or equivalent (respectively). 5 years experience in (mechanical), (electrical), (instrumentation or auto control) work (respectively), preferably in chemical company, fair understanding of English and computer literacy, driving License is preferred.

    Outdoor Operator (Ethylene, LDPE & LLDPE)
    Carries out a variety of operating duties on assigned shift in assigned plant (Ethylene, LDPE or LLDPE). Includes such activities as recording key plant operating data at regular intervals during the shift, making adjustment to plant in accordance with standard operating procedures or on the direct instructions of the Panel Operator or Shift Supervisor and loading or unloading materials.

    Applicant should have certificate of completion of Secondary (12 years) education (Science), followed by 2 years formal operations training, 2 years plant operating experience including on and off the job training, fair knowledge of English.

    Polymer QC Chemist
    Directs and participates in the work of the Polymers Quality Control on his assigned shift. Includes carrying out various analytical physical and chemical tests on finished products at various stages in the production process. Ensures that all the instruments and measuring equipment are kept properly calibrated and in serviceable condition by carrying out calibration reviews.

    Applicant should have Bachelor in Chemistry or equivalent, 5 years laboratory testing experience in the petrochemical industry, good spoken and written English plus computer literate.

    R&D Leader
    This position wilt provide technical leadership for projects as required developing new polymer grades starting with concept stage and ending with transition to early commercialization. Major responsibilities include working closely with customers needs and opportunities to develop new polymer product grades that add value for both the customers and allow top line, profitable growth for the company, working with in-house process engineers or outside suppliers to define & prove feasibility of any new product needed, using stage gate process for product development and commercialization, collaborate with other scientists and engineers in operations, marketing, and customers for new product development and lead projects & supervise one or more technicians.

    Applicant should have Ph.D. degree in Polymer Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Materials Science, or a related field, 5 to 7 years experience in polyolefin product or process R&D or in process engineering. excellent Knowledge of polymer materials, polymer processing, and structure property relationships in products such as PET, polyethylene, polypropylene, or other traditional thermoplastic materials, requires excellent communication and project management skills, demonstrated capability to create innovative technical solutions, must have excellent English communication skills.

    R&D Specialist
    Devise and carry out R&D tasks approved by management directed towards the development of polyolefin products for improved performances or new applications, this includes: Development of New Products Grades, Existing Product Maintenance, Existing Product Enhancement. Apply a broad knowledge of principles and specialization practices to complete difficult to complex polymer product research and development assignments and studies.

    Applicant should have Master s in Polymers chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Materials Science, or a related field, minimum of 5 years experience with polyolefin Research and Development, expertise with laboratory analysis practices and characterization and techniques, very good knowledge of polymer materials, polymer processing, and structure property relationships in products such as PET, polyethylene, polypropylene, or other traditional thermoplastic materials, excellent knowledge of polymer, good communication, creative problem-solving, record-keeping skills, good spoken and written English.

    Researches suppliers, vendors and service contractors. Negotiates prices & deliveries. Purchases / places orders for various products or services. Participates in evaluating tenders and quotations. Carries out activities related to the progress and delivery of purchased materials/services.

    To be successful, the incumbent should hold a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration or Diploma in Engineering with a minimum 5 years experience in purchasing and expediting preferably in Petrochemical industry. Additional 2 years of hands-on maintenance and / or production experience in the same industry is desirable.

    Catering Coordinator
    Carries out miscellaneous clerical work of a routine nature on the basis of standard or detailed instructions, or in accordance with well-established procedures. Types a variety of material in English, using a typewriter or word processor. Such work encompasses the recording of information in established formats, maintenance and retrieval of files and general office work.

    To be successful, the incumbent should have completed Secondary (12 years) education with 2 years clerical experience. He should be fluent in English with good typing skills in English and/or Arabic; he should be computer literate in word processing software.

    Housing Coordinator
    Carries out general clerical, administrative and typing functions, which are of a reasonably complex or diverse nature, requiring experience in procedures and knowledge of the subject, checking items for accuracy and generating standard forms and other documents. Follows up and checks the civil, mechanical and electrical work done by different contractors related to the maintenance of Company housing and a bachelor camp. Performs routine maintenance work on houses in emergency cases.

    To be successful, the incumbent should have completed Secondary (12 years) education with 4 years experience in personnel/administration & housing maintenance. He should be fluent in English with good typing skills in English and/or Arabic.

    HR Administrator
    Carries out a variety of clerical duties related to personnel administration. Includes processing, filing and retrieving various personnel action forms, opening and maintaining files for newly recruited employees, compiling and preparing simple statistical tables on employees as requested by supervisor.

    To be successful, the candidate should have completed Secondary (12 years education) with min. 4 years experience in Personnel / administration work. Excellent written and communication skills is essential for this position.

    Payroll Controller
    Directs and participates in a variety of accounting activities related to payroll and other employee related payments, includes designing and implementing the payroll on the computer, checking & making calculations of employees leave days and other employee related payments, distributing and charging the payroll entries to their specific account.

    To be successful, the candidate should be a Graduate in the relevant discipline with min. 4 years experience as a payroll controller. Excellent written and spoken skills in English and good MS office skills is required for this position.

    General Management Coordinator
    Handle confidential and other reports; control access to established files and ensures their security. Coordinate the preparation, collation, copying and distribution of reports and returns issued on a regular basis, reviews such items to ensure that the content is correct and to identify any amendments necessary prior to approving for distribution. Participates in the preparation of graphical presentations. Arranges for Board Meetings, files board reports and follow up with the Directors, attendees and other Managers. Perform other similar or related duties, such as typing and compiling documents in Arabic/English as directed.

    To be successful, the candidate should be a University Graduate in the relevant discipline, with min. 2-4 years experience in administration work. Excellent written and spoken skills in English / Arabic (French an asset) and good MS office skills.

    Office Coordinator
    Register and dispatch mails, maintain confidentiality and control files. Coordinate the preparation, collation, copying and distribution of monthly or ad hoc reports. Participate in the preparation of graphical presentations; arrange stationery for board meetings and other admin related tasks.

    To be successful, the candidate should have completed Secondary (12 years education) with min. 4 years experience in office administration work. Excellent written and spoken skills in English/ Arabic and good MS office skills.

    Supply Chain Coordinator
    Performs administrative and secretarial functions; focal point of contact with the section pertaining to the Sales forecast, shipping forecast, shipping equipment requirements, and following up the flow of orders between Sales, LC, and Shipping assuring smooth lead time order handling under the guidance of the Supply chain Manager, company s policies and procedures.

    To be successful, the incumbent should hold a Bachelor s degree in Administration or equivalent with minimum 2 years experience in general administrative work preferably in Marketing environment/ shipping.

    Planning & Business Development Coordinator
    Coordinates, organizes and supports division related jobs under the supervision of Planning & Business Development Manager. Organizes and maintains all records to be kept in the division as per the defined procedures and policy. Maintains regular and constant contacts with all the concerned and develops personal relationships with them in order to communicate efficiently. Promotes and portrays Company s image by providing an efficient service and obtain utmost satisfaction under the guidance of Planning & Business Development Manager as per the company s policies and procedures. Overlooks the activities and ensures the smooth and timely flow of work in the division.

    To be successful, the incumbent should hold a Bachelor s degree in Business/Computer or equivalent with a minimum of 2-3 years experience in general administrative work preferably in marketing environment. Excellent knowledge of computer applications is essential.

    Business Support Coordinator
    Coordinate, organize and support department s related, electronic systems for business processing hardware support & statistical analysis reporting. Promote and portray Company s image by providing an efficient system services and obtain utmost satisfaction as per the company s policies and procedures.

    To be successful, the incumbent should hold a Bachelor s degree in Business/Computer or equivalent with minimum 2 years experience in general administrative work preferably in marketing environment.

    Project Controls Specialist
    Monitor, distribute and file all project documents starting from basic design deliverable up to final handover documentation. Provide specialist support for Engineering, QA/QC, HSE, Construction, Precommissioning and Commissioning teams ensuring that all distributed documents are latest revision. Maintain all project documentation.

    To be successful, the incumbent should hold a Bachelors Degree in engineering with a Minimum experience of 10 years worked in the relevant discipline, preferably in petrochemical or oil and gas industry and at least 5 years as project controls senior engineer position, preferably in a Contractor or Client Project Management Organization.

    Project Auto Control Leader
    To provide construction, expertise in during Construction and Precommissioning up to the Commissioning of the Project. Supervise and control the site construction activities performed by Contractors and report progress. Monitor contractor s daily activities ensuring safety on site in compliance with HSE standards and Project approved HSE Plan. Participate in project activities to ensure a safe execution of the construction, and compliance with operational requirements, specifications and schedule.

    To be successful the incumbent should hold a B.Sc. degree in the relevant engineering discipline with a Minimum of 10 year experience preferably in a petrochemical or oil and gas industry with 5 years in a supervisory position.

    Project Mechanical Leader (Piping)
    To provide engineering expertise in the Piping/High Pressure Piping & Equipment discipline from the Basic Engineering phase, through Detailed Engineering, Construction, Precommissioning up to the Commissioning and Handover of the Project. Review, supervise, comment and approve the piping design starting from basic design up to as built stage. Provide specialist support during Procurement, Construction, Precommissioning and Commissioning, ensuring that deliverables are compliant with the approved design and specifications. Participate in project activities in order to ensure a safe, operable and economic design within the framework of the project budget, operational requirements, specifications and schedule.

    To be successful the incumbent should hold a B.Sc. degree in the relevant engineering discipline with a Minimum of 15 year experience preferably in a petrochemical or oil and gas industry with 10 years as senior engineering position with High Pressure piping & Equipment design and construction, preferably in a Contractor or Client Project Management Organization.

    Project Mechanical Leader (Static)
    To provide construction expertise in his discipline during Construction and Precommissioning up to the Commissioning of the Project. Supervise and control site construction activities performed by Contractors and reports the progress. Monitor contractors daily activities ensuring safety on site is maintained compliant with HSE standards and Project approved HSE Plan. Participate in project activities in order to ensure a safe execution of the construction, and compliance with operational requirements, specifications and schedule.

    To be successful the incumbent should hold a B.Sc. degree in the relevant engineering discipline with a Minimum of 10 year experience preferably in a petrochemical or oil and gas industry with 5 years in a Contractor or Client Project Management Organization.

    Project Document Control Specialist
    To provide documentation management expertise starting from the basic engineering phase, through detailed engineering, construction, precommissioning up to the Commissioning and Handover of the Project. Monitor, distribute and file all project documents starting from basic design deliverable up to final handover documentation. Provide specialist support for Engineering, QA/QC, HSE, Construction, Precommissioning and Commissioning teams ensuring that all distributed documents are latest revision. Custodian of all project documentation, will organize and update the Project Documentation Register, Project Archive in both hard and electronic formats, in accordance with the Project Quality Plan. The Project Document Control Specialist participates in all Project activities ensuring controls and corrective actions are in place to ensure full documentation compliance and easy retrievability.

    To be successful the incumbent should hold a B.Sc. degree in the relevant engineering discipline with a Minimum of 10 year experience preferably in a petrochemical or oil and gas industry with 5 years as project controls senior engineer position, preferably in a Contractor or Client Project Management Organization.

    Training & Development Coordinator
    Designs, supervises and coordinates the training and on-the job training related activities and programmes for technical and non-technical disciplines. Counsels all trainees on moral, discipline, performance and personnel matters. Prepares the individual development plan and competency required for each job. Identifies in-house and/or overseas training courses and programs for employees in accordance with training requirements. Participates in preparing and implementing the Company s annual Comprehensive Training Plan. Administrates the smooth running of all courses as per the training requirements determined by the Company s Training & Development Plan. Coordinates with the Computer Software Instructor to train computer users on proper utilization of computers.

    To be successful, the candidate should have a B.Sc. Engineering discipline or equivalent with min. 8 years experience in variety of technical disciplines and it related training and development process. Fluency in English is a must.

    Please send a comprehensive C.V. together with a covering letter to:
    Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 24 Mampang Prapatan
    Jakarta Selatan 12720, INDONESIA
    Tel. 062-21-7191060 (Hunting), Fax 062-21-7191017
    Email :
    READ MORE - Career Opportunities : QAPCO

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    Job Opportunity : Construction Manager - PT. Relacom Indonesia

    9:54 PM Posted by admin

    PT. Relacom Indonesia is the leading provider of independent multi-vendor on-site network services on a global and local basis for fixed, mobile and enterprise networks with approximately 12,000 employees in 300 locations in 18 countries. We are currently seeking suitable candidates for the following positions:


    • Responsible for the overall delivery of customer telecommunications construction projects in Indonesia
    • Implement policies, procedures, and organizational structure for assigned operating unit within the framework of corporate policy.
    • Assist in the establishment and ensure compliance of operational unit’s short-term and long-term goals with overall country objectives.
    • Prepare project budgets and track project actual vs budget.
    • Provide support to any number of customer projects from an operational, financial and resource standpoint.
    • Responsible for ensuring that project milestones are met within agreed customer timeframe and within project budget
    • Responsible for ensuring that document handover is performed efficiently and targets met.
    • In conjunction with the project managers, responsible for maintaining good working relationships with customers, subcontractors and suppliers.
    • Responsible for ensuring compliance to company OH&S policy.
    • Responsible for weekly project revenue recognition and reporting
    • Perform additional assignments per Country Manager’s direction.

    Qualifications :

    • Master or bachelor degree in Civil engineering or equivalent from reputable university plus extensive experience in the management of construction projects.
    • At least 10 years in relevant management in the construction or telecommunications industry and min 7 years in managerial level.
    • Min 37 years old, mature and independence in solving problem, and target result oriented.
    • Excellent organizational, leadership, communication, and analytical skills a necessity.
    • Excellent English communication skills (written and verbal), mandatory.
    • Knowing Time Management and Targeting

    If you think you meet above qualifications, send your application, CV and current photograph to:
    Email to:
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    Jobs Opportunities : Consumer Credit Division of BRI (June 2009)

    8:49 PM Posted by admin

    Consumer Credit Division of BANK BRI, welcoming you as a part of dynamic team if you meet these following requirements :

    • Bachelor/Master Degree from reputable university
    • Min. 3 years proven experience as Area Sales Manager (ASM) or similar position.
    • Good understanding of marketing and business, as well as Consumer Credit (Mortgage Loan and auto Loan).
    • Proficient in speaking English and computer literate.
    • High integrity, discipline, strong leadership skills, self motivated and achievement oriented.
    • Good cabalility in maintaining business relations.
    • Willing to be based in certain area : JAKARTA, BOGOR, YOGYAKARTA, SURABAYA, MALANG, PALEMBANG or PEKANBARU.

    • Bachelor Degree from reputable university.
    • Max. 30 years of age.
    • Min. 1 year proven experience as Consumer Credit Account Officer
    • Demonstrate ability in analytical methods of credit and finance.
    • Good understanding of marketing and business, as well as Consumer Credit (Mortgage Loan and Auto Loan).
    • High integrity, discipline, strong leadership skills, self motivated and achievement oriented.
    • Willing to be based in JABODETABEK area.

    General requirements :
    1. Please apply only if you meet the requirements.
    2. Write down your desired position according to the Position Codes above.
    3. all application forms should be submitted not later than 17 June 2009.
    4. Please submit your comprehensive Resume to the address below.

    Wisma 46 Kota BNI, Lt. 32
    Jl. Sudirman Kav. 1 Jakarta 10220

    For apply online, please visit our website :
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    Jobs Opportunity : Indovision 2009

    10:54 PM Posted by admin

    PT MNC Skyvision (INDOVISION) as a pioneer company with operations in pay television business encompassing from content of worldwide television channels and also as the largest and only integrated pay television company in Indonesia.

    Management Trainee
    • Overseas graduate of reputable university from any disciplines (is a must)
    • Male/female, age max. 27 years old (S1), max. 30 years old (S2)
    • Fresh graduate or less than 1 year experience
    • Fluent in English and good computer skill
    • Proven leadership skill in extra curriculum activities
    • Good communication and good interpersonal skill
    • Self confidence and good appearance
    • Driven, motivated and goal oriented
    • Willing to be located throughout Indonesia (is a must)

    Account Executive (AE)
    • Male & Female, between 22-28 years old
    • Minimum Associate degree of reputable university from any disciplines
    • Having minimum 2 years experience in Sales
    • Excellent communication skill in English, wrtten and verbal as well as presentation skill
    • Highly ambitious, target oriented, a team player, proactive, self motivated, dynamic, and startegic thingking person
    • Good Looking

    Please send your complete resume to: (Management Trainee)

    More info, please visit link :
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    Lowongan Kerja : JASA RAHARJA 2009

    10:23 PM Posted by admin

    PT Jasa Raharja (Persero) membuka kesempatan kepada para pelamar berlatar belakang pendidikan Akutansi dan Teknologi Informasi untuk bergabung sebagai pegawai, dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :

    1. Pria/Wanita usia maksimal 29 tahun pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009.
    2. Pendidikan minimal Sarjana Strata Satu (S1) dari Fakultas/Jurusan terakreditasi terbaik yaitu :
    • Akutansi : dibutuhkan 15 orang
    • Teknologi Informasi : dibutuhkan 10 orang
    3. Berasal dari PTN/PTS berkualifikasi baik.
    4. Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,8 (skala 4).
    5. Belum pernah menikah
    6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.
    7. Dalam proses seleksi ini akan diberlakukan sistem gugur, artinya pelamar yang tidak lulus pada tahap tertentu, tidak diikutsertakan dalam tahapan tes berikutnya.
    8. Pelamar tidak dikenakan biaya apapun.
    Proses seleksi akan dilaksanakan di JAKARTA dan biaya transportasi akomodasi selama tes ditanggung oleh pelamar.
    9. Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan hasil seleksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

    Hanya pelamar yang dengan kualifikasi terbaik (shortlist candidates) yang akan dipanggil.
    Persyaratan lain dan pengiriman lamaran dapat dilakukan mulai tanggal 06 Juni 2009 s/d 13 Juni 2009 melalui : atau

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    Job Opportunities : Sampoerna School of Education 2009

    9:28 PM Posted by admin

    The Sampoerna School of Education was established to train and develop professionally certified teachers with international standars and to equip them with best-practices in the latest teaching methodologies. Built upon the experiences and expertise of the Sampoerna Foundation Teacher Institute from training over 14.000 professional teachers in Indonesia in the last 3 years, the SSE is a licensed, degree-granting collage, managed by the Sampoerna Foundation.

    The school offers a unique Career Management Program designed to prepare future leaders for the education sector and provides career opportunities within the Sampoerna Foundation network of schools upon graduation. To support its operation, we are looking for qualified and experienced individuals to join our team as :

    1. Head of Education Studies (HES-SSE)
    2. Head of Mathematics Department (HM-SSE)
    3. Head of English Department (HE-SSE)
    4. Full Time/Part Time Lecturer for :
    • English (FTE/PTE-SSE)
    • Mathematics (FTM/PTM-SSE)
    • Education Studies (FTES/PTES-SSE)
    • Bahasa Indonesia (FTBI/PTBI-SSE)
    • Pancasila (FTP/PTP-SSE)
    • Religious Studies (FTRS/PTRS-SSE)
    • Civic Studies (FTC/PTC-SSE)


    1. ICT Departement :
    • Head of Department (HI-SSE)
    • Officer (OI-SSE)
    • Staff (SI-SSE)
    2. Head of Student Affairs Department (HSA-SSE)

    • Minimum 2 years experience in a similar position
    • Excellent English skills both oral and written
    • Computer literacy and MS Office Applications
    • Possess a strong passion to create future leaders through education

    For more details for each position, kindly visit the career section in our website or
    Interested candidatesshould apply no loter than June 20, 2009 to :
    ( by stating the position applied in the email

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    Informasi Beasiswa Terbaru : ASEAN SCHOLARSHIPS 2009 (Beasiswa Penuh Untuk Sekolah Menengah dan Pra-Universitas di Singapura)

    8:53 PM Posted by admin

    Kementrian Pendidikan Singapura dengan ini menawarkam beasiswa ASEAN bagi para pelajar berprestasi untuk melanjutkan pendidikan pada tingkat SMP dan SMA di Singapura, yang akan berakhir dengan ujian General Cerficate of Education 'Advanced' Level (atau setara) Examination. Pelajar yang berhasil menempuh ujian GCE 'A' Level Examination dengan sukses dapat melanjutkan pendidikan tingkat sarjana di National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) atau Singapore Management University (SMU) melalui program beasiswa yang diberikan oleh universitas bersangkutan.

    • Bebas biaya pendidikan serta biaya ujian
    • Biaya hidup per tahun sebesar S$2,200/ kira-kira Rp 15.675.000
    • Akomodasi (pangan & papan)
    • Biaya penyesuaian diri (hanya sekali) sebesar S$ 400/ kira-kira Rp 2.849.000
    • Tiket pesawat pulang pergi satu kali ke dan dari Singapura
    • Lain-lain termasuk biaya kesehatan dan sebagainya.
    "Beasiswa ini tidak memiliki ikatan apapun"

    • Warga negara Indonesia
    • Lahir antara tahun 1993-1995
    • Telah menempuh Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) 2009 SMP3
    • Memiliki prestasi cemerlang di sekolah

    PROSEDUR PEMILIHAN Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat-syarat di atas yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti ujian pemilihan yang menyangkut kemampuan Umum, Bahasa Inggris, dan Matematika di JAKARTA, MEDAN dan SURABAYA pada bulan Agustus. Kandidat yang lulus ujian pemilihan, akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti wawancara pada bulan September. Kandidat yang berhasil akan tiba di Singapura pada bulan November untuk mengikuti kursus singkat penyesuaian diri dalam bahasa Inggris sebelum memasuki sekolah Singapura pada bulan Januari 2010.

    Formulir pendaftaran bisa didapatkan di :
    Embassy of The Republic of Singapore Block X/4, KAV No 2,
    JL. HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan,
    Jakarta Selatan 12950, INDONESIA
    Consulate of The Republic of Singapore
    4th Floor, Surya Dumai Group Building,
    JL. Sudirman No. 395, Pekanbaru 28116,

    READ MORE - Informasi Beasiswa Terbaru : ASEAN SCHOLARSHIPS 2009 (Beasiswa Penuh Untuk Sekolah Menengah dan Pra-Universitas di Singapura)

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